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dr Joanna Ryszkowska

e-mail: ***
phone: +48-22-6281983
fax: +48-22-6281983


Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

address: Wołoska 141, Warszawa, 02-507, Poland
phone: (+48-22)6608529
fax: (+48-22)6608514


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

began: 2006-09-04
ended: 2006-09-08

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of polyurethane/carbon nanotubes composites


  1. An influence of boehmite modification on the dispersion in the polyurethane matrix
  2. Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of polyurethane/carbon nanotubes composites
  3. Bone tissue engineered product based on human bone derived cells and polyurethane scaffold
  4. Effect of addition of nanosilica on the properties of ureaurethane nanocomposites
  5. Effect of diisocyanate chemical structure on biocompatibility of segmented polyurethanes
  6. Fire retardant polyurethane elastomers/aluminophosphorate nanocomposites for higher temperature application
  7. Optimization of polyurethane structure as the potential materials for bone tissue engineering applications
  8. Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of hybrid polyurea-nitryle-urethanes

  9. Applications of quantitative image analysis to the description of the morphology of hybrid polyurethane with modified boehmite

  10. Polyurethane-boehmite nanocomposite
  11. Polyurethane nano-composites with luminescence properties for optics and optoelectronics applications.
  12. Polyurethane coating for protecting concrete floors using parquetry with fillers originating from recycling

  13. Properties of hybrid polyurea-nitryle-urethanes

  14. Properties of transparent elastomer nanocomposites (polyurethane/ ZrO2:Eu3+) as materials for optoelectronic application
  15. Thermal stability of hybrid polyurethane and modified boehmite

  16. Structure and properties of polyurethane/YAG:Tb3+ nano-composites with luminescence properties
  17. Structure and thermal properties of epoxy resins nano-composites with flame retardants
  18. The influence of ZrO2 containing 10% Eu 3+ on the polyurethane hard domain structure of nano-composites with luminescence properties
  19. Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethane nanocomposites with modified nanosilica
  20.  A  degradable and highly porous polyurethane scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

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