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Multiple scattering use for varying the luminescence spectra of the luminophors |
Vasil P. Yashchuk 1, Eugen O. Tikhonov 3, Olga A. Prygodjuk 1, V I. Bezrodny 3, Yury D. Filatov 2 |
1. Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, 6 Gloushkov avenue, Kyiv 252022, Ukraine |
Abstract |
Usually one changes the luminophore to change the luminescence spectrum, but such tuning is coarse. Nevertheless in some cases slide tuning of the luminescence spectrum is required. It can be realized using multiple scattering on fine-dispersed particles embedded into the luminophor, if the luminophor luminescence and absorption spectra are overlapped. Such situation takes place when laser dyes are used. We have shown that we can realize a slide turn the luminescence spectrum of the dye within Δλ=20nm by means of variation of the particle concentration, sample thickness, or dye concentration. The efficiency of luminophors does not significantly change. The results of our experiments can be used for information protection and for development of scintillators with the spectrum that as much as possible coordinated with the maximum sensitivity of receiver.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Symposium F, by Vasil P. Yashchuk Submitted: 2003-05-24 07:11 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |