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Strongly scattering active media as small-size frequency tunable sources of stimulated emission

Eugene O. Tikhonov 2Vasil P. Yashchuk 1Olga A. Prygodjuk 1Volodymyr I. Bezrodny 2

1. Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, 6 Gloushkov avenue, Kyiv 252022, Ukraine
2. Institute of Physics NASU (IP), Prospect Nauki 46, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine


Strongly scattering luminescence media are alternative sources of lasing emission. Up to now these media have been mainly of scientific interest, because the features of this lasing were unascertained, and this limits possible practical use. Particularly, method of lasing wavelength tuning was not found. We have found these objects could present a practical interest. Particularly, investigated samples are able to generate even being optically thin due to surface influence. It is proved by the fact that lasing disappears when the surface influence is precluded by immersion. But in the absence of the scattering particles in the sample lasing is not observed. Thus, main origin of the lasing is the scattering by fine dispersed particles.
Lasing spectrum shifts versus the sample thickness and depend on the immersion presence which removes surface reflection. It also depends on the dye and scattering particle concentration. In the aggregate all these factors give the wide possibility to vary the lasing wavelength within the wide spectral range (according to our experiments wavelength tuning within Δλ=20nm was realized). It gives a possibility to produce a tunable source of stimulated emission where the wavelength is changing by simple movement of the active element within the excitation beam without any additional adjustment.


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Related papers

Presentation: oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Symposium F, by Vasil P. Yashchuk
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Submitted: 2003-05-24 06:54
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55