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The segregation of Arsenic and Boron in the interface of a polysilicon on silicon during rapid thermal annealing |
Abdelali Merabet |
University de Setif, Faculte des Sciences de l'Ingenieur, Laboratoire Physique et Mecanique des Materiaues, Sétif 19000, Algeria |
Abstract |
In this work, we have used wafers achieved in the CNET CNS of Meylan, according to a manufacturing process used for the bipolar compatible technologie CMOS ( Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor). These wafers of type P, doped with boron. Before the deposit of polysilicon, the oxide film has been removed with HF, followed with a cleanning permits to minimize effects of diffusion barrier in the interface and to increase the gain. Afterwards, the polysilicon recevies either a single implantation with arsenic or boron, or double implantation starting with arsenic and followed by boron. The arsenic play the role of a doping emitter, the boron that the extrinsic base. The samples were then annealed at various temperature between 1000 and 1150oC, for 20 s, to permit an electrical activation of the ions and their fast redistribution. The samples are then analysed by a secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) CAMECA IMS4F of Lyon, France.
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Symposium B, by Merabet abdelali Submitted: 2003-05-12 20:48 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |