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Franciszek Herold ,  Tomasz Słowiński ,  Jacek Stefanowicz ,  Martyna Dąbrowska ,  Rafał Gadowski ,  Agnieszka Zieleniak 

Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Drug Technology, Banacha 1a, Warszawa 02-097, Poland


Amisulpride and Sulpiride are benzamide derivatives, both comprising a group of atypical antipsychotic drugs owing to their low level of side effects. Another interesting compound among benzamide derivatives is the Tropapride (MD 790501), an antagonist of D2 postsynaptic receptors. It is less likely to cause sedation, catalepsis and extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) than the classical neuroleptic agents. In this paper we selected Tropapride as the leading structure for the performed syntheses. Modifications consisted in substituting the benzyl substituent with the 2-furanomethyl system, and also included certain changes in pharmacophore benzamide substituent where the methoxyl groups were located in different positions. The purpose of the synthesis was mainly to obtain equatorial isomers (β) because of their higher pharmocological activity. To confirm stereoselectivity of the performed syntheses, one axial isomer (α) was also obtained.



The structure of the compounds obtained was confirmed by elemental analysis and also by IR spectra, 1H and 13C NMR analyses.
Further investigations are in progress aimed at examining the above compounds as concerns their affinity to D2 and 5-HT receptors.

1. Jalfre M., Bucher B., Dorme N., Mocquet G., Persolt R. D.: Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther., 264; 232-256, 1983


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Submitted: 2006-01-30 12:21
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44