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Biodegradable polyester nano- and microspheres by dispersion polymerization and macromolecular self-assembly |
Stanislaw Słomkowski 1, Stanislaw Sosnowski , Mariusz Gadzinowski , Izabela Radomska-Galant 2 |
1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies (CMMS-PAS), Sienkiewicza 112, Łódź 90-363, Poland |
Abstract |
Standard procedures used for fabrication of polymeric objects consist of polymerization, isolation, purification of synthesized polymer followed by shaping polymeric material into a desired form. However, there is growing an interest in processes with all these steps proceeding parallel. Apparently, parallel synthesis of macromolecules and their self-assembly into desired objects is less time consuming and more energy efficient. Recent studies proved that this way could be used for fabrication of nano- and microobjects with accuracy not attainable in any other way.
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Presentation: invited oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Symposium E, by Stanislaw Słomkowski Submitted: 2003-05-08 22:21 Revised: 2009-06-08 12:55 |