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Thermal stability of carbon-encapsulated Fe-Nd-B nanoparticles |
Michał Bystrzejewski 2, Stanisław Cudziło 1, Andrzej Huczko 2, Hubert Lange 2 |
1. Military University of Technology (WAT), Kaliskiego 2, Warszawa 00-908, Poland |
Abstract |
Plasma methods can produce unique metastable materials, which are unavailable by conventional techniques. In particular, the magnetic materials (e.g., applied in information storage) have been of great interest and it is believed that ferromagnetic transition metal crystallites encapsulated in carbon shells might be used in this area. In such materials, the enclosed metal particles would retain their magnetic moments while being chemically and magnetically isolated from their neighbors. Thermal stability of various magnetic nanomaterials is very essential, due to their prospective future applications. In this paper, thermal behaviour of the carbon-encapsulated Fe-Nd-B nanoparticles is presented. These nanostructures were produced by DC arcing of carbon anodes filled with Nd2Fe14B material [1]. The TG-DTA curves were recorded in oxygen atmosphere. The thermal process was monitored by X-ray diffraction to follow the changes in the phase composition. The investigated samples have been thermally stable up to ca. 470-570 K, depending on their structure features. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) through the Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University, under Grant No. 3 T08D 012 28. [1] M. Bystrzejewski, A. Huczko, H. Lange, P. Baranowski, J. Kozubowski, M. Woźniak, M. Leonowicz, W. Kaszuwara, Solid State Phenomena, 2004, 99-100, 273-278. |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium B, by Michał Bystrzejewski Submitted: 2005-04-19 10:51 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |