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Declaraton of Helsinki - code of ethical rules of human clinical reseach today

Teresa M. Brodniewicz 

MTZ Clinical Research Sp. z o.o., Pawinskiego 5, Warszawa 02-106, Poland


The Declaration of Helsinki  is a set of ethical principles applicable to human clinical research. The Declaration is  regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics developed for the medical community by the World Medical Association (WMA). The Declaration was originally adopted on June 1964 in Helsinki,  Finland,  and has since undergone seven revisions.  The most recent took place  during general Assambly WMA in Brasil, in 2013 .

The year of 1747 is regarded as the birth of clinical research and since this time till 1947 basically there was no generally accepted ethical rules of human research conduct.  The Declaration was based on Nuremberg Code (1947) and declaration of Geneva (1948), a statement of physicians’ ethical duties.

Currently it is not legally binding law, but all clinical research must comply with its rules.


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Submitted: 2014-03-20 14:30
Revised:   2014-04-28 18:40