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Influence of CdS deposition technique on CdS/CdTe thin films |
Sandra Rubio 1, Jose Luis Plaza 2, Ernesto Dieguez |
1. Laboratorio de crecimiento de cristales, Dpto Fisica de materiales, Facultad de ciencias, UAM (LCC, UAM), cantoblanco, Madrid, Madrid 28049, Spain |
Abstract |
The use of CdTe solar cells thin films is of great interest due to the fact that their band gap is optimum for efficient photo-conversion. Recent publications have shown that 12% efficiencies have been obtained using the Closed Space Sublimation (CSS) technique [1]. In this way the use of SiC electrical heating elements is a very promising approach [2] due to the fact that CdTe solar cells obtained by this way have high reproducibility and low manufacturing cost. The deposition parameters of CdTe layers and their influence on the structural and morphological properties have been studied by Luschitz et al. [3]. CdS/CdTe solar cells were developed in superstrate configuration on commercial TCO/glass substrates using Fluorine doped Tin Oxide (FTO) as the front contact. The CdS window layer was deposited on FTO substrates by two different techniques: Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD), and CSS using SiC electrical heating elements. The morphology, crystalline structure and composition of the CdS thin films were analyzed by SEM, AFM, XRD and EDX. The results show that the CdS film obtained by CSS has better crystallography structure for 002 orientation, while the one prepared by CBD present a worse structure. The CdTe absorber layer was deposited by CSS on top of the CdS window layer, using the same deposition parameters for all samples. The properties of CdS/CdTe thin films will be studied in order to analyze the influence of the deposition technique in the quality of the CdS window layer. ![]() Fig 1: X-Ray Diffraction Patterns at Gracing Incidence (Angle = 0.5ยบ) from CdS deposited by CBD and CSS [1] J. Schaffner et al, Journal of applied phisics, 110, 064508, (2011). [2] J. L. Plaza et al, CrystEngComm, 15, 2314-2318, (2013). [3] J. Luschitz et al. Thin Solid Films 517, 2125-2131, (2009). |
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