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Nanostructured metal oxides synthesized by hard template method for gas sensing applications

Emma Rossinyol 1Francesca Peiró 1A. Cornet 1Joan R. Morante 1B. Tian 2D. Zhao 2

1. Electronics Department, University of Barcelona, C\ Martí i Franqu?s, Barcelona 08028, Spain
2. 2Molecular Catalisis and Innovative Materials Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China


Semiconductor gas sensors offer good advantages with respect to other gas sensor devices due to their simple implementation, low cost and good reliability for real-time control systems. As the adsorption is a surface effect, one of the most important parameter to tailor the sensitivity of the sensor material is the surface area. In order to increase the surface area, mesoporous oxides have been synthesized.
Nanostructured mesoporous materials have been widely studied in the development of catalytic systems, due to their large, controllable pore size and high surface are. The pore structure, such as pore size and channel conductivity can be designed for practical application, and a variety of synthetic pathways has been proposed for the development on these nanostructures. There are two main synthetic pathways for the preparation of mesoporous oxides: soft and hard template. For the preparation of ordered nanostructure arrays, a hard template has some advantages when compared with a soft template, especially in its specific topological stability, veracity, predictability and controllability. We have used SBA-15 and KIT-6 as a template for the synthesis of different semiconductor oxides: CeO2 , WO3 and carbon. Ce(NO3)3.6H2O, Phosphotungstic acid and sucrose have been used as a precursors. The solution with the precursors and the silica template has been stirred and dried at room temperature. After calcination, the silica has been removed using an acidic etching.

Crystalline mesoporous oxides have been synthesized, with a particle size about 5 nm and high surface area. Low angle XRD spectra show a high order mesoporous structure, in good agreement with the structure of the template used. TEM reveals that the silica host has been completely removed, therefore, the nanowires constitute a self-supported superlattice. The introduction of some catalytic additives inside the nanostructures has been also accounted for.


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Related papers

Presentation: oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium A, by Francesca Peiró
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Submitted: 2004-05-19 15:36
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55