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Corrosion behaviour of amorphous and crystalline Fe59Co10Zr2Y4Nb5Ni5B15 alloy in acidified sulphate and phosphate environments

Iwona Kukuła 1Marcin G. Nabiałek 2Henryk Bala 1

1. Częstochowa University of Technology, Armii Krajowej St., Częstochowa 42-200, Poland
2. Institute of Physics, Częstochowa University of Technology, Al. Armii Krajowej 19, Częstochowa 42-200, Poland


The electrochemical corrosion characteristics are discussed for amorphous and crystalline Fe59Co10Zr2Y4Nb5Ni5B15 alloy in acidified (pH = 3), deaerated, 0.5 M sulphate- and phosphate solutions at 25oC. Potentiokinetic polarisation curves have been measured for both structural states of the tested material and compared with those determined for pure, crystalline iron. Both in acidified sulphate- and in phosphate solutions the alloy corrodes in active state and its anodic external currents are clearly smaller than those for pure iron. The anodic active dissolution of the amorphous alloy occurs ca one order of magnitude slower than that of the crystalline alloy. The effect of strong inhibition of corrosion in passive state is especially distinct for amorphous alloy in phosphate solution. In spite of considerable presence of cobalt, the amorphous alloy shows distinctly lower anodic currents in passive state as compared to pure iron. The beneficial role of alloy amorphisation in corrosion behaviour can be explained in terms of limiting number of structural deffects and lack of grain boundaries in amorphous state. The alloy amorphous structure favours better continuity of oxide layers formed in passive region and decreases number of active sites in active range.


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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium H, by Iwona Kukuła
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

Submitted: 2009-06-08 21:28
Revised:   2009-06-08 21:28