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Comparison of Silicon Versus III-V Semiconductor Material Choice for Terahertz Imaging with Fast Field Effect Transistors Based Detectors |
Wojciech Knap 1, Maciej Sakowicz 1, Hadley Videlier 1, Frederic Teppe 1, Dominique Coquillat 1, Jerzy Łusakowski 2, Krzysztof Karpierz 2 |
1. CNRS - Universite Montpellier 2 (GES), Place Eugene Bataillon, Montpellier 34095, France |
Abstract |
Resonant frequencies of the two-dimensional plasma in field effect transistors (FETs) increase with the reduction of the channel dimensions and can reach the THz range for micrometer and sub-micrometer channel lengths 1,2. Non linear properties of the electron gas in the transistor channel can be used for the detection of THz radiation. The possibility of tunable narrow band detection in sub-THz and THz range, related to plasma resonances, has been demonstrated for short gate transistors at cryogenic temperatures. At room temperatures - the plasma oscillations are usually strongly damped, but FETs can still operate as an efficient broadband detector in the THz range. We present the main theoretical and experimental results on THz detection by FETs in the context of their possible application for THz imaging. We discuss in details the importance of the material issue – comparing III-V GaAs 3-5 and GaN HEMTs with Silicon MOSFET technology 6. [1] W. Knap, Y. Deng, S. Rumyantsev, and M. S. Shur, “Resonant detection of subterahertz and terahertz radiation by plasma waves in submicron field effect transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 4637 (2002) [2] W. Knap, V. Kachorovskii, Y. Deng, S. Rumyantsev, J.-Q. Lu¨ , R. Gaska, M. S. Shur, G. Simin, X. Hu, M. Asif Khan, C. A. Saylor and L. C. Brunel, “Nonresonant detection of terahertz radiation in field effect transistors”, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 9346 (2002) [3] A. El Fatimy, F. Teppe, N. Dyakonova, W. Knap, D. Seliuta , G. Valušis, A. Shchepetov, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, S. Rumyantsev, “Resonant and voltage-tunable terahertz detection in InGaAs/InP nanometer transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 131926 (2006)
[4] F. Teppe, M. Orlov, A. El Fatimy, A. Tiberj, W. Knap, J. Torres, V. Gavrilenko, A. Shchepetov, Y. Roelens, and S. Bollaert"Room temperature tunable detection of subterahertz radiation by plasma waves in nanometer InGaAs transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 222109 (2006) [5] M.Sakowicz, J. Łusakowski, K.Karpierz, M. Grynberg, W. Knap,K. Kohler, G. Valusis, K. Gołaszwska, E. Kamińska, and A. Piotrowska,“Terahertz detection by two dimensional plasma field effect transistors in quantizing magnetic fields”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 203509 (2008) [6]R. Tauk, F. Teppe, S. Boubanga, D. Coquillat, W. Knap,Y. M. Meziani, C. Gallon, F. Boeuf, and T. Skotnicki, C. Fenouillet-Beranger, D. K. Maude, S. Rumyantsev and M. S. Shur, “Plasma wave detection of terahertz radiation by silicon field effects transistors: Responsivity and noise equivalent power”, Appl.Phys.Lett. 89, 253511 (2006) |
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Presentation: Invited oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium D, by Wojciech Knap Submitted: 2009-05-11 16:57 Revised: 2009-08-13 17:30 |