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Adsorption properties of nano-size hydroxylapatite particles

Volodymyr L. Karbivskyy ,  Nataly A. Kurgan ,  Anatoly P. Shpak 

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the National Academy of Sciences (IMP), Vernadsky Blvd. 36, Kiev UA03680, Ukraine


Studying of various cations and anions adsorption on hydroxylapatite crystals (HAP) is carried out for a long time. It is caused by wide isomorphic opportunities of natural apatite regarding two- and trivalent cations. The significant extent of the researches is devoted to the use of apatite and its modifications as matrixes for deduction of radionuclides. Adsorption and deduction of radioactive 90Sr in apatite’s structure are especially important in animate nature, both for the environment protection purposes, and the establishment of mechanisms of accumulation of this radionuclide in almost completely consisting of apatite bones of the man and animals. 

In this work by complex of structural and spectroscopic methods (AFM, XPS, IRS) and radiometry it is shown, that nano-size crystals of hydroxylapatite have high sorptive capacity of Н2О and Sr-90. It is clarified by the small sizes of particles and non-stoichiometric structure (FIG.1). It is established, that the distribution factor of Kd of radioisotope Sr-90 between the apatite and the solution does not depend on concentration of radionuclide in the solution in an interval 4.2 - 61 Bc/ml while the size of desorption is directly proportional to this concentration. It is established, that the sorption Sr-90 on nano-crystallic HAP with the subsequent annealing at 650 ºС(transfer in a crystal condition) leads to thirtyfold decrease of the parameter desorption of isotope from the structure of apatite at insignificant decrease Kd. It is supposed that by formation of crystals of apatite of greater sizes at calcination, the isomorphic entering in structure of apatite of ions Sr2+ , that preliminary have formed weak bonds with a surface of nano-size crystallite apatite at its keeping in a water solution, occurs.

FIG. 1. Morphology of nano-dispersed hydroxylapatite.


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Submitted: 2009-05-06 10:07
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:48