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WC-6%Co composites sintered by the reactive Pulse Plasma Sintering method. |
Dariusz Siemiaszko 1, Andrzej Michalski 2, Marcin Rosinski 2 |
1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Chemistry, Kaliskiego 2, Warszawa 00-908, Poland |
Abstract |
The paper presents the results of examinations of tungsten carbide sinters produced of a mixture of tungsten, carbon and cobalt powders using the Pulse Plasma Sintering method. With the use of the powder mixture, the WC-Co composites were produced during a single technological process. The structure of the sinters was examined microscopically and their phase compositions, chemical compositions, hardness and densities were determined. The carbides sintered by the reactive PPS method (from W, C and Co powders) have a higher hardness (2130 HV30) than the conventional method (1660 HV30). The stress intensity coefficient KIC (11.9 MPam-0.5) was similar to carbide sintered conventionally. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium I, by Dariusz Siemiaszko Submitted: 2008-05-19 13:06 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |