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Computer simulation of structure and hydrogen capacity of nanoporous carbon

Valeriy V. Kartuzov 1Yury Gogotsi 2Oleksandr O. Kryklia 1

1. Institute for Problems in Materias Science (IPMS), 3, Krzhizhanivsky Str., Kiev 03680, Ukraine
2. Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St, Philadelphia 19104, United States


In our previous work [1] was described a model of nanoporous carbon produced from SiC. However, that computational model did not produce a clear description of the structure of porous space that can be used later for sorption and other applications (for example, hydrogen storage or sorption and transport of certain molecules in the porous structure).
This work deals with computer modeling of porous space with a well-defined porous structure and with the density of the sample conforming to the experimental value (0.96 g/сm3) [3,4]. The objects of modeling are clusters of nanoporous carbon with characteristic dimensions less than 10 nm and the number of carbon atoms less 20 000, with different pore sizes, b: 0.2 - 2 nm and distances between pore channels d: 0.2- 1.5 nm. The porous space contains parallelepipedic corridors. Cross-sections of pores include square, circle, hexagon, and octagon. Resulted cluster structures were generated and computed by molecular dynamics methods [2] at different temperatures. Specific surface area (SSA) and various geometrical distributions of cluster structure were calculated. For all clusters, hydrogen capacity was computed using the developed geometrical model. Porous space with the optimal porosity fro hydrogen storage was built.
For experimental b and SSA [3,4], the obtained structures were stable at different temperatures. For example, for b = 0.8 nm and SSA = 2000 m2/g, the cluster density without pores was 2.44 g/сm3, with pores - 0.98 g/сm3, open pores share - 0.59. Inner structure of the cluster may be graphite-like with some additional carbon atoms or sp3-bonded clusters with closed pores.


1. V. Kartuzov, O. Kryklia, Math. model. and comput. exp. in material science, 8: (69) (2006).

2. Molecular dynamics program - XMD,

3. G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi, A. Nikitin, in Nanomaterials Handbook, (Ed. Y. Gogotsi) (CRC Press: 2006), p. 237.

4. R. Dash, J. Chimola, G. Yushin et al., Carbon, 44: 2489 (2006).


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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium G, by Valeriy V. Kartuzov
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008

Submitted: 2008-05-12 15:30
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:48