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Next Generation Transparent Conducting Oxides for Solar Cell Applications |
David S. Ginley 1, Joseph Berry , Christopher Gorrie , Matthew S. White , Matthew Dabney , Dana Olson , Nikos Kopidakis , John Perkins |
1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 1617 Cole Blvd, Denver 80401, United States |
Abstract |
In a large variety of opto-electronic devices including solar cells, displays, and OLEDs the transparent contact is becoming an increasingly important part of the devices with many critical parameters beyond transparency and conductivity are important including deposition temperature, work function, smoothness and processibility. We will discuss recent results on some recently emerging TCOs that are beginning to be investigated for PV and related applications. This includes amorphous InZnO a low temperature TCO deposited by DC magnetron sputtering with excellent thermal stability, smoothness and processibility. Conductivities as high as 5000 S/cm have been reported for films and recent results indicate it may be chemically more stable in use in CIS cells than conventional materials. We also investigate Ga doped ZnO which has shown conductivities to 10,000 S/cm by PLD but these have not easily been replicated by sputtering. The material has shown excellent results in OLEDs in place of InSnO. ZnO is also a key element in hybrid OPV devices. We will report on the use of sub-monolayer and monolayer TiO2 to significantly improve the interfacial properties of ZnO/P3HT solar cell devices and Mg substitution to significantly improve the Voc. Finally we discuss the potential of Nb:TiO2 as a novel new TCO material with a much higher refractive index than conventional TCO materials. |
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Presentation: Invited oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium B, by David S. Ginley Submitted: 2008-04-29 17:49 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:48 |