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Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Y2O3 powder |
Katelijne Verhiest 1,2, Sven Van den Berghe 2, Nico De Wispelaere 3, Serge Claessens 3, Enrico Lucon 2, Abderrahim Almazouzi 2, Yvan Houbaert 1 |
1. University of Ghent, Civil Engineering, metallurgy and materials science, Technologypark 903, Zwijnaarde, Gent 9052, Belgium |
Abstract |
Interests in nanoarchitectured materials and design grows academically and industrially and nanomaterials are of high interest in a wide range of technical applications. In this work, Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS) is used to prepare nanocrystalline rare-earth ceramic oxides Re2O3 with Re = Y. Nanosized Y2O3 oxides are used in the production of Oxides Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels. ODS steels are envisaged as structural materials for first wall and breeding blanket applications in future fusion reactor concepts. Nanocrystalline oxides can be synthesized by a variety of sophisticated methods e.g. oxidation of metal nanoparticles, laser ablation, sol gel methods ... . SCS in contrary, is a succesfull and relative simple inorganic reaction system for the production of small oxides particle size, crystalline homogeneous ceramics and this at low reaction temperatures and within reduced reaction time. By modification and control of the reaction chemistry it is possible to vary the yield, particle size and crystallinity/amorphous content of the as-prepared powder. Size and crystallinity of the as-produced powder can be modified by post production heattreatments. A primary characterization of the nanoscaled rare-earth oxides powder is performed with X-ray diffraction (XRD). Based on the obtained diffraction data, crystallinity and particle size has been determined using conventional and more sophisticated calculation techniques. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is the most important technique used as observation technique to prove the calculated particle size and crystallinity of the obtained powders, before and after refirement. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Symposium A, by Katelijne Verhiest Submitted: 2007-06-17 22:54 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |