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Development of Materials Chemistry under High Pressures |
Gérard M. Demazeau |
Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensée de Bordeaux, ICMCB - CNRS, 87 avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer, Pessac 33608, France |
Abstract |
The synthesis of novel materials under high pressures conditions is analyzed through different factors: - the energy conveyed by pressure compared to that using temperature, - the thermodynamical effects associated to the specificities of pressure parameter [densification (DV<0), Le Chatelier's rule, the compression of atoms…], - the chemical effects mainly associated to the enhancement of the reactivity between precursors under high pressures(improvement of the kinetics, improvement of the reactivity at the interface solid/liquid phases, development of reactive pressure…). This analysis has allowed to develop in the Network D30/003 - through a strong overlap of competences between all involved teams - original research activities mainly focussed on four domains in Materials Chemistry: - Structural transformations induced by high pressures, - Synthesis of novel materials, - Crystal-growth under High pressure, - Opening of new processes. |
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Presentation: Oral at COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting, by Gérard M. Demazeau Submitted: 2006-02-06 15:18 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |