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Gérard M. Demazeau |
Institut de Chimie de la Matiere Condensée de Bordeaux, ICMCB - CNRS, 87 avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer, Pessac 33608, France |
Abstract |
Solvothermal reactions are characterized by different parameters: (i) the chemical composition of the solvent opening new research areas to the stabilization of different classes of materials (alloys, oxides, nitrides, phosphides, borides…), (ii) the mild temperature conditions able to improve chemical diffusion and to help the preparation of metastable materials, (iii) the pressure enhancing the reactivity but also the formation of denser structural forms.
During these last twenty years solvothermal reactions have been developed in Materials Chemistry mainly through four directions: (i) the synthesis of novel inorganic materials, (ii) the stabilization of original inorganic-organic frameworks, (iii) the preparation of micro- or nanoparticles versus the control of the nucleation and crystal-growth, (iv) the development of new processes.
In the near future, taking into account that on the Earth -H2O is the predominant solvent, through geo- and biomimetism solvothermal reactions would be able to open original routes for the synthesis - in mild conditions - of novel functional materials belonging to different classes of materials. |
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Presentation: Oral at COST action D30 Mid term evaluation meeting, by Gérard M. Demazeau Submitted: 2006-02-06 15:32 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |