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Application of function Pearson7 for $FW\frac{1}{5}/\frac{4}{5}M$ method

Rozk3ad wielko¶ci ziaren z dopasowania Pearson7

Presented $FW\frac{1}{5}/\frac{4}{5}M$ method of GSD determination is only as precise as measurements of both widths $FW\frac{1}{5}M$ and $FW\frac{4}{5}M$. This precision can be raised by fitting an analytical curve to the experimental data being evaluated, then measurement of widths of the analytical (instead of experimental) curve. One of possible choices could be popular function Pearson7:

\end{displaymath} (4)

where a0 is line intensity, a1 - line position, a2 i a3 are line widths. Putting a0=1 and a1=0 and comparing expression (4) to $h=\frac{1}{5}$ and $h=\frac{4}{5}$ we obtain equation for the width of Pearson7 curve at $\frac{1}{5}$ and $\frac{4}{5}$ of maximum:
\frac{1}{\left[1+4\left(\frac{\Delta q}{a_{2}}\right)^{2}\left(2^{1/a_{3}}-1\right)\right]^{a_{3}}}=h\end{displaymath} (5)

Interesting solutions of above equation are:
$\displaystyle FW\frac{1}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})$ = $\displaystyle 2\Delta q=2\frac{a_{2}\sqrt{-1+5^{1/a_{3}}}}{\sqrt{-4+2^{2+1/a_{3}}}}$ (6)
$\displaystyle FW\frac{4}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})$ = $\displaystyle 2\Delta q=2\frac{a_{2}\sqrt{-1+\left(\frac{5}{4}\right)^{1/a_{3}}}}{\sqrt{-4+2^{2+1/a_{3}}}}$ (7)

Above expressions are functions of parameters a2 and a3, being immediate result of fitting in a crystallographic software (e.g. PeakFit). These values $FW\frac{1}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})$ and $FW\frac{4}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})$ can be placed in equations (3) and we obtain a recipe how to transform Pearson7 widths to the physical quantities of <R> and $\sigma $, defining Grain Size Distribution:

A & = & arcctg\left[277069-105723\frac{FW\frac{1}{5}M(a_{2},a_...
...eft[0.002237-2101\cdot A\right]\\
C & = & -0.6515-463695\cdot A

<R> = $\displaystyle \frac{2BC}{FW\frac{4}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})}$ (8)
$\displaystyle \sigma$ = $\displaystyle \frac{2B\sqrt{C}}{FW\frac{4}{5}M(a_{2},a_{3})}$  

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roman pielaszek 2003-03-17