
The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) organizes meetings twice a year, namely the E-MRS Spring Meeting in Strasbourg and the E-MRS Fall Meeting in Warsaw.
This year´s Fall Meeting will begin on Monday, September, 19th, and will end on Friday, September, 23rd.
It will take place at the Central Campus of Warsaw University of  Technology, the largest technical university of Poland.

Warsaw and Karlsruhe Nanotechnology Day will be the satellite event on future visions of nanotechnology accompanying the conference E-MRS Fall Meeting 2011.
It will take place on September, 22nd, from 9am to 5pm with a separate poster session.



Joint Warsaw – Karlsruhe Workshop on “Future of Nanotechnology” at  2011 E-MRS Fall Meeting

Thursday,   22.09.2011, 09:00 – ca. 16:30 h
time Start End Title Speaker
                8.40 9.00 Arrival of the guests and speakers ( with some coffee and talking)
10 9.00 9.10 Welcome and introduction Tadeusz Kulik,
Krzysztof Kurzydłowski
Horst Hahn
Scientific infrastructures: Karlsruhe and Warsaw
25 9.10 9.35 Scientific infrastructure and large scale facilities – Poland Romuald Beck  CEZAMAT,  
Grzegorz Chałasiński CEPT, CENT
25 9.35 10.00 Scientific infrastructure and large scale facilities – KIT (KNMF & ANKA) Christian Kübel
Mechanical properties of nanomaterials 
25 10.00 10.25 Reliability of nanomaterials Patric Gruber  
25 10.25 10.50 Mechanical properties of nanometals Zbigniew Pakieła
25 10.50 11.15 Scale up of nanometals production Małgorzata Lewandowska
25 11.15 11.40 Mechanical properties of nanometals obtained using pressure technology Witold Łojkowski  
20 11.40 12.00 Coffee break
Nanomaterials and nanostructures for electronic applications
25 12.00 12.25 Devices from sorted carbon nanotubes Ralph Krupke
25 12.25 12.50 Graphen Epitaxy by Chemical Vapor Deposition on SiC Jacek Baranowski
25 12.50 13.15 “Organic molecules for molecular electronics” Marcel Mayor
25 13.15 13.40 Liquide Cristals form Nanoparticles Ewa Górecka
25 13.40 14.05 “Printable electronics” Robert Kruk
20 14.05 14.30 Coffee break + refreshments
25 14.30 14.55 Silver nano-inks for printable electronics Andrzej Mościcki,  Amepox Ltd.  
Nanomaterials and nanostructures for energy storage
25 14.55 15.20 Materials for Lithium batteries Ludwika Lipinska
25 15.20 15.45 Materials for energy storage - KIT Max Fichtner
35 15.45 16.20 “Nanoglasses” Horst Hahn
15 16.20 16.35 Discussion and conclusions
90 16.35 18.00 Posters, drinks and food


  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
  • Polish Material Science Society,
  • Warsaw University of Technology,
  • Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • European Materials Research Society.

The conference chairpersons are:

  • Prof. Dr. H. Hahn
  • Dr. habil. W. Łojkowski

The medial patron of the conference will be Fundation Nanonet:


Abstract preparation

The Abstract should clearly describe the most important facts from the presentation (2000 characters):

  • submission on-line (copy/paste from your word processor is available)
  • simple equations can be inlined
  • no heading information (title, authors, affiliations) in the abstract body
  • the abstract is displayed in the final form in the browser (WYS/WYG) and has to be verified/corrected by the author on-line as it will be published as it is without any further edition by the organizers
  • you can correct your abstract on-line at any time.

Oral presentation

Duration of oral presentation is planned to be 25 minutes with exception of talks with  individual agreements.
The following equipment will be available:

  • laptops with Windows XP and Microsoft Office Power Point.
    We prefer presentations on CD or USB flash memory.
    If the presenting author requires something else, please contact organizers
  • digital projector
  • microphone
Poster presentation

The organizers invite and encourage young scientists, recently graduated or during preparation of their master of science thesis to take part in our poster session.

The maximum size for a poster is: vertical 2.4 m and horizontal 1.0 m. The poster board will be full white board.

Please make sure that the poster's authors will be present during the evening poster session and ensure the discussion about the presentation with other participants.

The poster should be removed directly after the conference event (in the evening of  September, 22 nd).

Deadlines and fees

"Warsaw Karlsruhe Nanotechnology Day" workshop:

  • free of charge for participants after on-line registration which is obligatory
  • free of charge for participants of the whole conference E-MRS Fall Meeting 2011 after on-line registration which is obligatory
  • free of charge for young scientists who are particularly welcome after on-line registration which is obligatory
  • free of charge poster session attendance after on-line registration and submitting on-line the abstract
  • free of charge workshop book of abstract, workshop timetable and conference materials


The conference will be held at the Central Campus in the main building of the Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 1 Politechnika Plac (Square) in the very center of Warsaw.
Many places of interest are within easy walking distance from there.
Good public transport connections are available to and from anywhere in the city.

How to reach the Conference Venue

Many hotels are located within walking distance of the Conference venue, which is also very close to the "Metro Politechnika" underground station (one stop from "Centrum" station). You can also take buses No: 117, 131, 515, 522, 524, 525 or trams No: 2, 15, 19, 36

Registration and information during the Conference

Participants are kindly requested to register at the Reception in front of  the Small Hall located on the first floor at the Conference venue, the main building of the Warsaw University of  Technology.

Participants of the workshop will be able to collect their badge and workshop documentation there.