11th European Powder Diffraction Conference

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 20th, Saturday

16:30 00:20:00 Oral Kenneth R. Beyerlein Debye equation versus Whole Powder Pattern Modelling: Real versus reciprocal space modelling of nanomaterials
16:50 00:20:00 Oral Radomír Kužel Microstructure of metals prepared by severe plastic deformation studied by different methods
17:10 00:20:00 Oral Andreas Leineweber Thermally induced microstrain broadening in polycrystalline materials: Powder-diffraction studies on hexagonal zinc metal and hexagonal ε-iron nitride
17:30 00:20:00 Oral Jorge Martinez-Garcia A general approach for determining the contrast factor of dislocations
17:50 00:20:00 Oral Davor Balzar Physical models for size broadening in the Whole Powder Pattern Fitting
18:10 00:20:00 Oral Tamás Ungár Twinning together with dislocations and crystallite size in hexagonal materials determined by X-ray line profile analysis
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