11th European Powder Diffraction Conference

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 18th, Thursday

09:00 00:45:00 Oral Mo Li Characterization and Measurement of Microstructures in Nanoscales and Structure-property Relations in Nanocrystalline Materials
09:45 00:45:00 Oral Olivier Thomas Strain measurements at the nanoscale: microbeam Laue scattering and coherent diffraction.
11:00 00:45:00 Oral Lyle E. Levine Microdiffraction from individual buried dislocation cells and walls
11:45 00:45:00 Oral Stanisław Gierlotka Looking at the real structure of nanocrystals with powder diffraction: the apparent lattice parameter approach
13:45 00:45:00 Oral Matteo Leoni Nanomaterials and powder diffraction
14:30 00:45:00 Oral Sigrid Bernstorff Nanomaterials as seen by Small Angle Scattering
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