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H. P. Weber



  1. Analysis of short and long range atomic order in nanocrystalline diamonds with application of powder diffractometry
  2. Application of powder diffraction methods to the analysis of the atomic structure of nanocrystals: the concept of the apparent lattice parameter (alp)
  3. Application of X-ray powder diffraction to nano-materials; determination of the atomic structure of nanocrystals with relaxed and strained surfaces
  4. Atomic structure of nanocrystals and in situ synthesis x-ray studies of nanocomposites
  5. Determination of a two-phase structure of nanocrystals: GaN, SiC, diamond
  6. Diffraction studies of nanocrystals: theory and experiment
  7. Effect of the chemical state of the surface on the relaxation of the surface shell atoms in SiC and GaN nanocrystals
  8. Nanocrystalline diamond: Structure of bulk and grain boundary as a function of particle size, Experiment number: HS-821, Beamline: ID11
  9. Nanocrystalline silicon carbide: Structure of bulk and grain boundary as a function of particle size, Experiment number: 01-01-189, Beamline: BM01B
  10. Strain in Nanocrysttaline Powders of GaN and SiC as Measured by X-ray Diffraction


12 proper references found in the database.
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