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Kinetic studies of oxygen related defects in neutron irradiated silicon doped with carbon |
Hańcza Barbara Surma |
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), Wólczyńska 133, Warszawa 01-919, Poland |
Abstract |
Oxygen is the most important residual impurity in Czochralski grown silicon (CZ-Si). Substituting an interstitial position in silicon lattice is electrically inactive but it play an important role in the creation of electrically active defects in irradiated silicon. The VO defect known as an A centre is one of the most important one. Its structure and properties has been intensively studied. It is well established that an energy level at Ec-0.16eV and a local vibrational mode (LVM) band at 830 cm-1 are associated with this defect. It is also known that interaction between carbon and oxygen atoms leads to appearance another defects among which CiOi is one of the most important one. The creation of electrically active oxygen-related defects during irradiation is highly undesired process in silicon detectors. In the recent years a silicon with an increased resistance for radiation is of a great demand. In this paper the kinetic studies of the three main defects VO, CiOi and VO2 in neutron irradiated silicon doped with carbon during annealing between 300oC and 350oC were performed. Samples from 6 different p or n type CZ-Si crystals with initial carbon concentration 0.8-5 1016 at/cm-3 and oxygen concentration 9.5- 12*1017 at/cm-3 were irradiated with 2 MeV neutrons with dose 1*1017 n/cm2. After irradiation the samples were subjected to isothermal annealing at 300oC, 312oC ,325oC, 335oC and 350oC for 5' to 2000'. Intensity of the LVM absorption bands at 830cm-1, 889 cm-1 and 862 cm-1 related with VO, VO2 and CiOi defects was controlled after each annealing process. The experimental results of defects annihilation/creation were compared with the theoretical curves obtained by simulation process taking into consideration all main defect reactions and the physical interpretation of the simulation parameters is discussed.
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Presentation: Poster at Joint Fith International Conference on Solid State Crystals & Eighth Polish Conference on Crystal Growth, by Hańcza Barbara Surma Submitted: 2007-01-15 23:49 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |