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Microstructures materials for cell guidance

Rolando Barbucci ,  Antonio Chiumiento ,  Daniela Pasqui 

Department of Chemical and Biosystem Sciences and Technologies and CRISMA University of Siena, via a moro, 2, Siena 53100, Italy


Micro patterned surfaces containing geometrically defined bioadhesive and non-adhesive domains are useful tools to study cell attachment and groth. Patterned surfaces with different chemical and topographical heterogeneities have been realised by the photoimmobilization of polysaccharides on different substrates using a photomask containing features of defined dimensions and geometry. The cell response to the patterns was studied using several different cell lines which all arranged on the surface in accordance to the features geometry. The cytoskeleton stress fibres and the localisation of focal contacts demonstrated that cells adapted their shape to the pattern dimensions and geometry at least down to 5μm in width. The presence of integrin clusters along the cell borders and at the migrating leading edge together with the actin stress fibres polarisation indicated that the cell adhesion is integrin-mediated and the cell migration is guided by the micro-patterns. It has been also observed that the constrain of the cell in a defined shape, influenced by the pattern characteristics, induced changes in the gene expression. The role of plasma proteins in cell-surface interaction was assessed determining the type and the amount of the proteins adsorbed on the surfaces. Furthermore, a fibronectin coating was realized on the polysaccharide surfaces. The cell response was evaluated leading to the conclusion that the protein coating is essential for an optimal fibroblast adhesion.


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Presentation: Keynote lecture at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006, Symposium J, by Rolando Barbucci
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Submitted: 2006-05-29 08:47
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44