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Manipulating High-TC Ferromagnetism in Doped ZnO

Kevin R. Kittilstved 1Allan C. Tuan 2Steve M. Heald 2Scott A. Chambers 2Daniel R. Gamelin 1

1. University of Washington, Department of Chemistry, Seattle, WA 98195-1700, United States
2. Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 98352, United States


The theoretical prediction and experimental observation of ferromagnetism above room temperature in oxide diluted magnetic semiconductors has stimulated intense efforts to understand the origins of the magnetic ordering [1-5]. To test the importance of charge carriers, we have used targeted p- and n-type chemical perturbations to activate and control the high-TC ferromagnetism in polycrystalline and epitaxial Mn2+:ZnO and Co2+:ZnO films. In the case of Mn2+:ZnO, p-type chemical perturbations resulted in robust ferromagnetism (TC > 350 K, MS ~ 1.5 μB/Mn2+), whereas n-type chemical perturbations yielded only paramagnetism at all temperatures. For Co2+:ZnO, the exact opposite correlation was observed. These results provide experimental evidence for the importance of bound carriers in the magnetic ordering of these materials.

[1] T. Dietl, H. Ohno, F. Matsukura, J. Cibert and D. Ferrand, Science 287, 1019 (2000).

[2] K. Sato and H. Katayama-Yoshida, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17, 367 (2002).

[3] J.M.D. Coey, M. Venkatesan and C.B. Fitzgerald, Nature Materials 4, 173 (2005).

[4] D.A. Schwartz and D.R. Gamelin, Adv. Mater. 16, 2115 (2004).

[5] K.R. Kittilstved, N.S. Norberg and D.R. Gamelin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 147209 (2005).


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Presentation: Oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006, Symposium E, by Kevin R. Kittilstved
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Submitted: 2006-05-12 22:10
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44