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Phase transitions in binary alloys nanoparticles and nanowires

Michel Wautelet 1Aram Shirinyan 

1. University of Mons-Hainaut, Avenue Maistriau, 23, Mons 7000, Belgium


The phase diagram of nanosystems is known to be a function of their size and shape. The variation with temperature depends on the surface tensions involved in the phase transitions. When looking at the nucleation process in nanoparticles, it turns out that it is necessary to take into account the fact that the reservoir of matter is limited. In a nanosystem, the total amount of one of the chemical components may be too small for the synthesis of the critical nucleus. This gives rise to three possibilities: phase separation, prohibition of decomposition, formation of metastable phases. A new effects arise for phase transformations in binary and multicomponent nanosize systems with change of composition - finite depletion effect. It is shown theoretically that the usual concept of phase diagram has to be re-formulated when dealing with multicomponent nanosystems. The liquidus and solidus lines are shifted due to size effects. Moreover, it turns out that it is required to differentiate the solidus and liquidus curves and equilibrium curves after the first order phase transition. In this work, we study how the phase transitions of binary nanoalloys are treated in the case of nanoparticles and nanowires.


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Presentation: Keynote lecture at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006, Symposium I, by Michel Wautelet
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006

Submitted: 2006-05-11 12:02
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44