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Temperature influence on the electroless Pt contact behaviour on CdTe and nuclear detection quality |
Mohamad RoumiƩ 1, Fatima Lmai 2, Khaled Zahraman 1, Bilal Nsouli 1, Abdalla Zaiour 3, Mohamed Ayoub 1,2, Makram Hage-Ali 1,2 |
1. National Council for Scientific Research, Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission (LAEC-CNRSL), Airport Road, Beirut 11-8281, Lebanon |
Abstract |
Contact deposition on CdTe is not a simple process, the nature of the chosen deposition method as well as the surface treatment are of great importance. However, contacts can decrease the quality of a good material. Electroless contacts on CdTe allow us to avoid the polarisation problem, knowing that even with good material, the detection spectrum can be of different quality and will depend on the deposition process. Furthermore, Electoless Pt contact deposition process on the CdTe is dependant on many parameters. This time, the time deposition, the dilution and the pH of the solution were fixed at 4 min., dilution 5, and pH=1.8 respectively while the varied one was the temperature. Analysis of Pt thickness and Cd lack was studied by RBS and SIMS and were correlated with the detection quality. The defect concentration and energy were studied by PICTS, TSC, TEES. In addition resistivity and gamma-ray detection spectra were showed as function of the solution temperature. A discussion is exposed about the role and quality of a possible presence of the TeO2 layer at the interface contact-semiconductor. |
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Presentation: Poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2006, Symposium F, by Mohamad RoumiƩ Submitted: 2006-04-17 14:36 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |