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Structure and properties of joints of 14-5 PH steel and PM Fe-TiC composite using filler metal BNi2/MBF 20 |
Jerzy Nowacki |
Technical University of Szczecin, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (TUS), Piastów 19, Szczecin 71-310, Poland |
Abstract |
Soldering tests of steel 14-5 PH and cermets - PM Fe-TiC composite plates using filler metal BNi2/MBF 20 on a nickel matrix were carried out. Steel 14–5 PH has high mechanical and corrosion resistance. Parameters of heat treatment of steel 14–5 PH are similar to parameters of soldering and heat treatment to the considered composites. This cermets belong to a group of sintered composites with a metallic matrix reinforced by particles of properties halfway between tool steel and sintered carbides. PM Fe-TiC composite are composites of a stainless steel matrix reinforced by titanium carbide particles. Brazing process was done in vacuum according a special thermal cycle programme. On produced connections following was done: metallographic tests on an optical microscope and scanning microscope in transverse metallographic, quality and gravimetrical analysis, measurements of hardness and tensile strength test of a connection. Solder shown good adhesion to a surface, no oxides and discontinuities both from a steel side and plates from PM Fe-TiC composite, and no cracks in plates being a result of brazing. The connection has a typical for binding metal BNi2 eutectic structure together with a zone of intermetallic phases in a separation plane steel – binding material and binding material – plates from PM Fe-TiC composites of a bonding matrix. Zones of intermetallic compounds differ clearly with a chemical composition and hardness from a bonding matrix. Obtained bindings have multiplayer structure. In a separation plane PM Fe-TiC composite – binding material there are reaction zones having a chemical composition different from a binding material matrix. The reaction zone from a PM Fe-TiC composites side is rich in titanium, molybdenum and iron, in the bond |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium H, by Jerzy Nowacki Submitted: 2005-07-15 10:11 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |