NEW METHOD OF STUDYING THE BOUNDARY LAYERS IN POLYMER COMPOSITE FIBERS USING ACOUSTICAL INTERFEROMETER, L. A. Bulavin, S. P. Senchurov and Yu. F. Zabashta, Taras Shevchenko University, PO Box 163, 03191 Kyiv, Ukraine New method of non-destructive testing of boundary layers in polymer composite fibers is proposed. The problem of axisymmetric normal acoustical waves in composite fibers with homogeneous and periodical discrete boundary layer was solved. The possibility of simultaneous propagation of one or two normal axisymmetric waves depending on mechanical properties of boundary layers was shown. First wave is usual Young wave that also propagates in homogeneous fibers. The other wave is specific to composite fibers with boundary layers. This wave has cut-off frequency, the magnitude of which is determined by the properties of the boundary layer. Considering of discrete periodical boundary layer increases the number of cut-off frequencies. These cut-off frequencies form the cut-off zone when discretization step decreases. The shapes of acoustical interferograms were calculated for different cut-off frequencies and experimental frequencies. Three types of the acoustical interferogram shapes can be distingushed depending on the position of cut-off and experimental frequencies. New method, based on this dependence of the interferogram shape on the boundary layer properties, was experimentally verified. The agreement of theoretical predictions and experimental results was found.