THE EXCITED STATES AND ENERGY TRANSFER IN SOME FUNCTIONAL MULTICOMPONENT SYSTEMS, V.Yu.Kudrya, V.M.Yashchuk, Kyiv T.Shevchenko National University, 6, Akademika Glushkova ave., 03127 Kyiv, Ukraine, M.Yu.Lossytskyy and I.Ya.Dubey, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NASU, 150, Akademika Zabolotnogo str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine The absorption and luminescence spectra of nucleotides (5'-monophosphates of deoxyguanosine (pdG), deoxycytidine (pdC), deoxyadenosine (pdA) and thymidine (pdT)) that are elementary DNA units, and their co-systems, dinucleotide deoxyadenylyl-deoxyguanosine (dApdG) and trinucleotide deoxyadenylyl-thymidylyl-deoxycytidine (dApdTpdC) (these multicomponent systems are DNA fragments), have been measured at low temperatures (4,2 K-77 K). Based on this data the energy positions of the first excited singlet (S[1]) and triplet (T[1]) levels of nucleotides were determined (see the table). Obtained data manifest that the triplet energy transfer in investigated DNA fragments appears to be resolved at Tł35 K. Level, cm-1 T, K pdC pdG pdT pdA
4,2 33140 33000 33500 34200 S[1] 35 33210 33060 33530 34290
77 33090 33030 33530 34490
4,2 27120 26400 27020 26120 T[1] 35 27040 26380 26120 26050
77 26630 26320 26160 25950