THE INFLUENCE OF NANOCRYSTALIZATION OF THE FeSiB AMORPHOUS ALLOY BY MEANS OF Nd: YAG PULSED LASER HEATING ON MAGNETIC PROPERTIES. A. Sypien, J.Kusinski, T.Stobiecki, M.Czapkiewicz University of Mining and Metallurgy, 30 Mickiewicza Ave., 30059 Krakow, Poland The influence of laser heating on magnetic properties and microstructure of amorphous FeSiB alloy ribbons was examined. The material was nanocrystalized by means of Nd: YAG pulsed laser heating. The measurements of magnetic properties were conducted by means of the rezonans vibrating sample magnetometer (R-VSM). The following magnetic properties were determined: coercivity field, saturation of magnetization M[S], and slope of the hysteresis loop (dM/dH)[H][Ž][Hc]. These measurements give information about influence on changes of magnetization saturation M[S ]and differential magnetic susceptibility.[ ] The microstructure and domains structure changes after laser heating was realised by means of the transmission and Lorentz electron microscopy. The use of laser beam of relatively low energy, but with a subsequent overlapping of heated areas, resulted in a much more homogeneous nanostructure in the heated areas of the ribbon. Laser treatment produces refinement of magnetic domain structure of materials. The refinement domain structure causes decrease lossiness and the magnetic hysteresis loops of laser treated and furnace annealed samples weakly decreases (from 83.9 to 72.7) with increasing of laser treatment intensity.