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Cluster-Containing Polymers as Precursors of Metal-Nanoparticles

Svetlana I. Pomogailo Gulzhian I. Dzhardimalieva 1Anatolii D. Pomogailo 

1. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (IPCP RAS), Institutskii pr., 18, Chernogolovka 142432, Russian Federation


Cluster-containing polymers as precursors of metal nanocomposites

Svetlana I. Pomogailo, Gulzhian I. Dzhardimalieva, Anatolii D.

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences,
Chernogolovka Moscow Region, 142432, Russia, E-mail:

Cluster-containing polymers are obtained in two ways: by
immobilization of cluster compounds on macroligands, or by
copolymerization reactions of cluster-containing monomers
Rh[6](CO)[14](m,h2-PPh[2]CH[2]CH=CH[2]) and
(m-H)Os[3](m-OCNM[2])(CO)[9]PPH[2]CH[2]CH=CH[2]) with traditional
vinyl monomers. It was found that Rh[6]- and Os[3]-containing monomers
did not change either the ligand surroundings or the structure of
cluster monomer framework during polymerization reaction. The
molecular weight parameters of the obtained copolymers were studied.
The catalytic properties of polymer-immobilized Rh[6]- and Os[3]
clusters obtained were studied in varied reactions. Rh[6]-containing
polymers showed a high catalytic activity in hydrogenation of
cyclohexene, they can be used repeatedly without deactivation.
Carbonylation of methanol in protonic medium proceeded effectively in
the presence of Os[3] copolymer with styrene and resulted in formation
of formic acid and trifluoroacetate. These polymer clusters were also
efficient in hydrogenation of styrene under supercritical CO[2]. The
catalytic hydroxylation of olefins by organic hydroperoxides in the
presence of osmium-containing polymers were studied. It was shown
that reaction proceeded with preferred formation of unsaturated
alcohols. Oxidative dimerisation of olefins into nonconjugated dienes
were also observed. The influence of nature of ligands and polymer
matrix as well as a specific content of metal on catalytic activity
and composition of products formed are discussed.


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Related papers

Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2002, by Svetlana I. Pomogailo
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2002

Submitted: 2003-02-16 17:33
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55