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Using solid state infiltration methods for severe plastic deformation |
Aikaterini Zi 1, Yuri Estrin 1, Ralph J. Hellmig 1, Michael Kazakevich 2, Eugene Rabkin 2 |
1. Clausthal University of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany |
Abstract |
ECAP (equal channel angular pressing) is a well-known method of severe plastic deformation used to produce ultra-fine grained materials. The dimensions of ECAP specimens are usually in the centimeter range. For producing high strength wires or fibres having a diameter in the micrometer/millimeter range, downscaling of the ECAP process may be a viable option. To achieve this, several kinds of experiments have been carried out. For downscaling to micrometer range, porous steel discs can be used as processing tool. In this case, a solid state infiltration method as a variant of the known forcefill process can be used. Severe plastic deformation is introduced due to material flow through the tortuous channels inside the porous pre-form leading to grain refinement depending on processing conditions. To obtain specimens with a typical dimension in the millimeter range, the forcefill approach taken above was altered using die channels produced by conventional or ultrasonic drilling. The tool geometry used is equivalent to conventional ECAP using a multi-channel die. Results on aluminium for several channel dimensions and processing conditions will be presented and discussed. |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium I, by Aikaterini Zi Submitted: 2005-05-20 14:42 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |