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Pavlo Y. Demchenko , Igor V. Oshchapovsky , Oksana I. Bodak , Yurij K. Gorelenko |
Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Department of Inorganic Chemistry (LNU), Kyryla i Mefodiya str., 6, Lviv 79005, Ukraine |
Abstract |
The one of the main tasks of solid-state sciences is searching for a new group of intermetallic compounds with magnetic properties, based on which it is possible to make new magnetic materials for practical applications. In this communication we present the results of crystal structure determination and some magnetic properties for a new compound - NdFe8Ga3C. The compound was synthesized by arc melting under an argon atmosphere in an arc furnace with a water-cooled copper bottom (Ti-getter) with following heat treatment at 870 K. X-ray diffraction pattern was obtained on a HZG-4a (FeKα radiation) automatic powder diffractometer. The crystal structure was solved and refined with the "WinCSD" program package [1] using Rietveld method. The magnetization versus applied field and temperature was measured using vibrating sample magnetometer. The compound NdFe8Ga3C crystallizes in tetragonal structure type CeNi8.6Si2.4 (space group I41/amd) with lattice parameters a=1.0279(1), c=0.66785(9) nm (RI=10.07, RP=4.39, RwP=6.97) and atomic parameters: Nd (4b) 0 1/4 3/8 Biso=0.0022(8)nm2; Fe (32i) 0.2056(8) 0.1239(11) 0.0618(12) Biso=0.0027(8)nm2; Ga (4a) 0 3/4 1/8 Biso=0.0154(8)nm2; Ga (8c) 0 0 0 Biso=0.0181(8)nm2 and C (8d) 0 0 1/2 Biso=0.02 nm2, G=0.5. The magnetization at field 10 kOe is σ=104.7 A m2/kg, the Curie temperature is TC=389 K. [1] L. Akselrud, Yu. Grin, V. Pecharsky, P. Zavalij, B. Baumgartner, E. Wolfel, in: Materials Science Forum, Proceedings of the Second European Powder Diffraction Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, Use of the CSD program package for structure determination from powder data, Trans. Tech. Pub. Pt. 1 (1993) 335-340. |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium B, by Pavlo Y. Demchenko Submitted: 2005-05-19 16:04 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |