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Evaluation of lead free soldering development by means of a holistic consideration |
Matthias Tuerpe |
Behr GmbH & Co. KG, Mauserstr. 3, Stuttgart 70469, Germany |
Abstract |
In the engineering world, the way of thinking still is orientated towards step-by-step-processes. As one example, it is well known that the main costs are determined during and by the design. In the end, every division does her job without looking at the neighbouring demands. This includes university research where results are presented adding that now it is up to the industry to work with it, the university job are fundamentals only. But a succesful development needs the cooperation and knowledge of all different participants. The lonely researcher in his laboratory is history today. Connexions have to be understood and used as an important part of work. With a general view on actual demands as well as the critcal weakness of today’s procedures, one comes to the conclusion that a holistic approach only will lead to a change. For the development of such a model, brazing and soldering is one of the fields in research and industry well suited due to the fact that different people with different knowledge must cooperate all times in order to achieve success. In the end, the existence of a holistic parameter as an intersection of interacting basic items can be derived. Based on a material approach, the material intelligence can be defined consisting material properties, manufacturing, service conditiones and organisational requirements. For a confirmation of the model as well as the applicability in practice, the lead free soldering enforced by EU-regulations is taken. It is not sufficient to develop alloys for filler materials only. At the same time and very early, aspects of workability, reliability and commercial questions as the availability of alloying elements respectively must be taken into account. For research and industry, the correlation of knowledge, information and communication is of increasing importance. Not the single result, but the classification inside a system is to be demanded. |
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Presentation: oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium H, by Matthias Tuerpe Submitted: 2005-05-19 09:31 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |