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Calculation of magnetostatic energy Fm of periodic domain structures formed near grain boundaries in plates of triaxial ferromagnets of silicon iron type |
Sheiko L. M. 1, Bagriytchuk A. S. , Lyakishev B. Yu. |
1. Zaporizhzhe National University (ZNU), Zhukovsky 66, Zaporizhzhe +380612, Ukraine |
Abstract |
Magnetostatic energy Fm causes the essential contribution to the total balance of free energy F in ferromagnetic [1-3]. The role of energy Fm in formation of domain structure (DS) and magnetic properties of polycrystalline materials is especially great [3-5]. In the present work the results of computation by the micromagnetism theory of energy Fm and magnetostatic fields Hm of periodic DS, formed near GB in plates of polycrystalline ferromagnetics of silicon iron type (~3%Si) with a surface plane (011) in a demagnetized state (He=0) are discussed. The obtained values of F*m and H*m, in materials with enough considerable constant of a magnetocrystalline anisotropy (K1=103-106 J/m3), are 6-8 times lower, than for before discussed values of Fm and Hm [2,3]. Character of studied states is the presence of areas with the inhomogeneous magnetization (divMs≠0) inside grains, instead of magnetization jumps (ΔMGBn=0) on GB surfaces. The main reason of their formation is the tendency to the energy Fm minimum, and the realization mechanism is deviations of Ms vectors inside domains from easy axes under the influence of magnetostatic fields Hm created by GB. Opportunities of use of the received results for the solution of problems which concern the development and application of magnetic materials and composites are discussed. [1] L. Landau, E. Lifshitz, Phys. Z. Sowjetunion 8, 153-169 (1935) [2] H.J. Williams, R.M. Bozorth, W. Shokley, Phys. Rev. 75(1), 155 (1949) [3] A. Hubert, R. Schafer Magnetic domain: the analysis of magnetic microstructures. Springer. Berlin. 1998. 696 p. [4] L. Sheko, G. Brekharya, A. Sadovoy, O. Kulyk, I. Pisanko, JMMM V. 215-216 pp. 24-26 (2000) [5] L. Sheko, A. Sadovoy, O. Kulyk, Phys. Metallov and Metallography V. 94, №3, 59-65 (2002) |
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Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium B, by Aleksander S. Bagriytchuk Submitted: 2005-05-13 09:10 Revised: 2009-06-07 00:44 |