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Value relevance of companies’ financial statements in Poland

Marek Gruszczyński ,  Rafał Bilicz ,  Monika Kubik-Kwiatkowska ,  Aleksander Pernach 

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), al. Niepodległości 162, Warszawa, Poland


Paper presents three attempts to model the relationship between financial reports of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and their market valuation. Main sections of the paper include: (1) overview of the contemporary issues in the “value relevance” studies with reference to the methodology of financial microeconometrics, (2) outcome of the research by M. Kubik-Kwiatkowska on value relevance of annual and quarterly reports, (3) results of the attempts by R. Bilicz on the association between E/P ratio and quarterly accounting data, (4) findings by A. Pernach on the relationship between ROIC or revenue and the market value. All results show that various connections between financials and valuation exist, depending on the approach.


Auxiliary resources (full texts, presentations, posters, etc.)
  1. FULLTEXT: Value relevance of companies' financial statements in Poland, Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, 0.1MB

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Related papers

Presentation: Oral at Current Economic and Social Topics 2015, by Marek Gruszczyński
See On-line Journal of Current Economic and Social Topics 2015

Submitted: 2015-12-12 10:39
Revised:   2016-03-15 20:19