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Characteristics of the labor market, employment policies in Kosovo and European Union in the year 2014

Artan Haziri 

European University of Tirana (UET), Bulevardi Gjergj Fishta 70,, Tirana 1023, Albania


In the light of modern economic crisis, it is worth to analyze the development of the situation on the labor markets in the EU and in selected countries of the world since 2008. This allows to examine changes in the level of employment under the influence of both the dynamics of the recession and the antirecession policies used.  The aim of this paper is presenting the situation of the labor market in the European Union after the crisis in 2008 and the comparison of the labor market situation in Kosovo in 2014. The level of unemployment is closely linked to the dynamics of GDP. Recorded in the EU and in other countries of the world, increase of the unemployment rate from 2008 confirms the strong interdependence of these indicators. To sum up the situation on the European labor market, it is worth noting that the progressive process of increasing the flexibility of the labor market favors the competitiveness of the economies of the European Union. This does not mean, however, that as a result of the changes observed do not appear negative effects (eg Spain). It therefore appears necessary to further reduce barriers to movement of labor and services within the European Union and the use clearly positive experiences of labor market reforms.The level of economic development of Kosovo is reflected in a delay of many economic parameters in place which results even in the strangulation of the labor market as the biggest challenge in Kosovo. Would not mind that the most worrying aspect of the labor market in Kosovo is the high unemployment rate which reflects with the numerous problems in Kosovo society. The labor market in Kosovo during the period 2002 to 2013 was consistently followed by a different set of anomalies which have led to the raising concerns of the Kosovo population  which are reflected not only by the unemployed, but also the active part of the population which in the absence of functioning of the collective contract, failure of unions, low average wage and a series of violations of workers' rights more and more is undergoing development gap in the labor market. Kosovo is the most highest rate of unemployment in the region which is around 40%. And when we consider the composition of contingent labor, such as very young population which annually makes contingent labor increases in parallel with this also increases the rate of demand for labor and immigration as the feature itself , then the approach should become much more serious.


Auxiliary resources (full texts, presentations, posters, etc.)
  1. FULLTEXT: Characteristics of the labor market, employment policies in Kosovo and European Union in the year 2014, Microsoft Office Document, 0.1MB

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Presentation: Poster at Current Economic and Social Topics 2015, by Artan Haziri
See On-line Journal of Current Economic and Social Topics 2015

Submitted: 2015-12-10 23:40
Revised:   2016-03-09 19:12