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Azopolymer nanostructures with various morphologies. |
Aleksandra E. Bućko , Ewelina Ortyl , Sonia Zielińska , Jacek Pigłowski |
Politechnika Wrocławska (PWR), Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego, Wrocław 50-370, Poland |
Abstract |
Polymer nanomaterials are interesting topic, because of their unique electronic, optical and thermal properties. The nanostructures play a significant role in development of materials engineering, due to their potential applications, eg. systems of drug delivery, in photovoltaics or sensors. The main advantage of nanomaterials is ability to obtain specified properties by controlling the preparation process at a molecular and atomic level. This work presents synthesis and photochromic properties of new azopolymers containing azo-derivatives of sulfamerazine. The obtained methacrylate polymers and copolymers were used to form nanostructures with various morphologies: spheres, tubes, fibers. The azo spheres were prepared by gradually adding water to the polymer solution. The azo tubes were obtained by template method. Moreover, we used the electrospinning process for fibers preparation. The photochromic properties of obtained materials were investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy. Based on the resulting UV-Vis spectra and the exponential equations, we estimated the rate of changes in the obtained materials occurring under illumination and the rate of the thermal relaxation in the dark. Moreover, the complex refractive index and the changes of the real part of refractive index after illumination in polymer films were determined by ellipsometry. Reference: [1] J. Liu, Y. He, X. Wang, Langmuir 2009, 25 (10), 5974-5979 [2] Ch-W. Lee,. T-H. Wei. Ch-W. Chang, J-T. Chen, Macromol. Rapid Commun 2012, 33, 1381-1387 |
Legal notice |
Presentation: Poster at Nano PL 2014, Symposium B, by Aleksandra E. Bućko Submitted: 2014-10-08 11:42 Revised: 2014-10-08 11:46 |