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Highlights on Polish participation in FP7 NMP calls

Jarosław M. Piekarski 

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE (KPK), Krzywickiego 34, Warszawa 02-078, Poland


Highlights on Polish participation in FP7 NMP calls

Jarosław Piekarski

Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union (KPK) at IPPT PAN, Krzywickiego 34, 02-78 Warsaw, Poland


NMP Theme (Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies) constitutes fourth largest theme of the FP7 Cooperation Specific Programme (2007-2013) with the 7-year budget 3.4B€. But, due to an enabling role the NMP-related activities have been present also in other areas of FP7. For instance, in the report [1] was shown that the FP7 expenditures for nanotechnologies-related projects attained 3,45B€ while the budget attributed to Nanotechnologies within NMP Theme was about 1,17B€.

In the presentation the participation of Polish teams in FP7 projects related to nanosciences and nanotechnologies, advanced materials and manufacturing is discussed. Poland is eleven as concern the number of participants and fifteenth as concern received EC contribution[2]. NMP projects contribute significantly to Polish participation in FP7 Cooperation Specific Programme, with 14% share in PL participation and 16% share in received EC funds, while NMP Theme funds constitutes less than 11% of total Cooperation budget.

The NMP Theme objective is to support applied research. Therefore the participation of industry is a must. Polish industrial partners are present in a number FP7 NMP projects, their  average share among Polish participants is similar to the total share of industry. Small and medium-side enterprises from the construction sector are particularly active. The share of Polish industry attains 70% in calls of Energy Efficient Buildings Initiative.

 Polish researchers are also active in initiating investigation. Eight cooperation international projects leaded by Polish coordinators received funding from FP7 NMP Calls. Among them are ENSAMBLE, MATRANS, SUPERSONIC, NANOMINING, NANOPUZZLES, presented during the NAMF2013 Conference.

[1] Nanotechnology: the invisible giant tackling Europe’s future challenges, EUR 13325 EN, 2013

[2] Udział Polski w 7 Programie Ramowym. Statystyki po zakończonych 355 konkursach. Warszawa, maj/czerwiec 2013 (



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Presentation: Polish Research Projects at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Jarosław M. Piekarski
See On-line Journal of Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair

Submitted: 2013-08-09 08:37
Revised:   2013-08-28 09:55