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Methods for testing dustiness of nanomaterials |
Elżbieta J. Jankowska 1, Piotr Sobiech 1, Olivier Witschger 2, Sebastien Bau 2, Bernard Bianchi 2 |
1. Central institute for labour protection national research institute (CIOP-PIB), Czerniakowska 16, Warszawa 00-701, Poland |
Abstract |
Intensive growth of the production and use of nanomaterials in industry obliges to carry out activities aimed at developing methods for prediction of exposure to nanomaterials, depending on the process used. One such method is the study of the dustiness of nanomaterials generated (at constant conditions), and then test the physical parameters and the time of staying the nano-objects in the air. In 2006 was developed standard EN 15051 "Workplace atmospheres - Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials - Requirements and reference methods", which provides general guidelines for testing dustiness of materials occurring in workplaces, and is applicable to industrial dust emissions in various manufacturing processes. In the standard EN 15051 are presented two standard methods (gravimetric methods), differ in the aerosol generating means, namely: 1) method A - the method of the rotating drum, 2) method B - the method of continuous drop of the material. The results obtained using the method A and / or B are used to determine the dustiness of materials for the respective particle size fractions (important because of their effects on health), namely dustiness for inhaled, thoracic and respirable fractions when data obtained by the rotating drum method and the dustiness for inhalable and respirable fractions for data obtained by the continuous drop of the material. Dustiness determined with gravimetric method can be one of the nanomaterials parameter but more appropriate for evaluation of workers exposure to nanomaterials are parameters which characterized of nano-objects emission, as number concentration and size distribution. The INRS has developed a new method of testing dustiness of nanomaterials. In this method for generation of nanomaterials shaker was used and the method is called "vortex shaker". The tests may be carried out in two options, namely version allows performed tests:1) in real time (for respirable fraction) using the CPC and the ELPI and possibly in the collection of samples for microscopic analysis, 2) with gravimetric method using measurement filters. Method of testing dustiness with method VS was modified in CIOP-PIB for determination of dustiness of nanomaterials in real time with CPC, ELPI+, SMPS and AERO-TRAK. Test procedure for gravimetric method is the same as in INRS method. Currently are carried out standardization works (CEN) in the field of “Workplace atmospheres - Measurement of dustiness of bulk nanomaterials”. Participants of the project are: INRS (leader), CIOP-PIB, HSL, IGF, NRCWE and TNO. |
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Presentation: Poster at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Elżbieta J. Jankowska Submitted: 2013-08-05 21:13 Revised: 2013-08-22 22:02 |