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Nano-particle products from new mineral resources in Europe |
Andrzej H. Chmielarz , Witold Kurylak |
Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych (IMN), Sowińskiego 5, Gliwice 44-100, Poland |
Abstract |
Acronym: ProMine Project no.: FP7-NMP-2008-LARGE-2, Grant Agreement Number 228559 Duration: May 1, 2009 - April 30, 2013 Consortium: 1 GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS GTK, Finland 2 BOLIDEN MINERAL AB BOLIDEN, Sweden 3 KGHM CUPRUM SP Z OO CENTRUM BADAWCZO-ROZWOJOWE CUPRUM, Poland 4 AGC MINAS DE PORTUGAL AGCMP, Portugal 5 HELLAS GOLD HG, Greece 6 PYHASALMI MINE OY, Finland 7 OY KESKUSLABORATORIO-CENTRALLABORATORIUM AB, Finland 8 CALDURAN KALKZANDSTEEN BV, Netherlands 9 WOLA CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHE ERZEUGNISSE GMBH, Germany 10 KGHM ECOREN S.A. ECOREN, Poland 11 SELOR EEIG SELOR, Netherlands 12 KEMAKTA KONSULT AB, Sweden 13 INTEGRATED RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IRM) COMPANY LIMITED, Malta 14 G.E.O.S. FREIBERG INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT MBH, Germany 15 INSTYTUT METALI NIEZELAZNYCH, Poland 16 BUREAU DE RECHERCHES GEOLOGIQUES ET MINIERES, France 17 INSTITUTO GEOLOGICO Y MINERO DE ESPANA, Spain 18 INSTITUTO GEOLOGIKON KAI METALLEYTIKON EREYNON, Greece 19 LABORATORIO NACIONAL DE ENERGIA E GEOLOGIA I.P., Portugal 20 VALTION TEKNILLINEN TUTKIMUSKESKUS, Finland 21 LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, Sweden 22. TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN, Netherlands 23 INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE LORRAINE, Greece 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, United Kingdom 25 BANGOR UNIVERSITY, United Kingdom 26 TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET BERGAKADEMIE FREIBERG TU, Germany 27 KWH-MIRKA, Finland 28 GRECIAN MAGNESITE, Greece 29 MILTON ROY MIXING, France 30 L'AIR LIQUIDE S.A., France 31 KIJLSTRA BETONMORTEL B.V., Netherlands The objectives of the ProMine project responded to the European Comission's concerns over the annual 11 billion € trade deficit in metal and mineral imports by focusing on two parts of the supply chain from extractive to end-user industries. Upstream, a Pan-EU GIS based on mineral resource and advanced modelling system for the extractive industry was created for the first time ever, showing both known and predicted mineral occurrences across the EU, for both metallic and non-metallic minerals; detailed 3D and 4D computer models were produced for four metalliferous regions. Upstream work also included demonstrating the reliability of new technologies (including biotechnology) for an ecoefficient production of strategic metals, driven by the creation of added value on site and the identification of specific needs of potential end-users. Downstream, a new strategy was developed for the European extractive industry which looks not only at increasing production but also at delivering high value, tailored nano-products which formed the new raw materials for the manufacturing industry. ProMine research focused on four new products (rhenium and rhenium alloy powders, nano-silica, iron oxyhydroxysulphate (schwertmannite) and new nano-particle based coatings for printing paper), which will have a major impact on the economic viability of the extractive industry. They were tested at bench scale, and a number selected for development to pilot scale where larger samples were provided for characterisation and testing by end-user industries. It included production, testing and evaluation of these materials, with economic evaluation, life cycle cost analysis, and environmental sustainability.
The ProMine consortium of 31 partners had heavy major industrial involvement in both technical and management work. The project aimed on the one hand to develop to prototype production methods for new nano-particle based products. At the same time ProMine developed a methodology from resource assessment to new product development which can be applied beyond the framework of the project. ProMine was treated by the European Commission as a flagship project of Raw Material Initiative, presenting good practices and contributing to the establishment of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials. |
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Presentation: Polish Research Projects at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Andrzej H. Chmielarz Submitted: 2013-07-26 14:29 Revised: 2013-07-29 10:39 |