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Development of characteristic of the process for production of environmentally friendly copper alloys of controlled and high level of mechanical properties |
Barbara A. Juszczyk , Witold S. Malec , Joanna Kulasa , Beata E. Cwolek , Szymon D. Malara , Łukasz J. Wierzbicki , Ludwik Ciura |
Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych (IMN), Sowińskiego 5, Gliwice 44-100, Poland |
Abstract |
The results of research project concerning the new environmentally friendly copper alloys are presented. The conducted studies consisted of selection and optimization of chemical composition, including potential for application of scrap and production waste, as well as development of parameters of melting and casting processes. The analysis covered the following parameters: melting point and casting point, method of casting, material and temperature of the mould. It was found that the optimum temperature range for melting of bronzes is 1040-1080ºC, while for the brasses it is 970-1010ºC. In evaluation of the process of soldification of the newly-developed alloys the method of thermal and derivative analysis (TDA) was applied. Also influence of temperature gradient at the liquid alloy-casting mould border on changes in structure of examined alloys was studied. The alloys were cast into graphite and metal moulds preliminary heated up to the temperature of 200-300°C, and also tests with sand moulds were conducted. In the next stage influence of casting conditions, including the type and temperature of the mould and ingot diameter on macro- and microstructure was determined as well as on mechanical properties. The group of newly-developed environmentally friendly bronzes and brasses presents higher casting and mechanical properties than the widely used for components of fittings alloys standard alloys: CuSn5Zn5Pb5 and CuZn39Pb1Al, respectively. In the analysis of technological properties of the examined alloy group also their machinability was examined. The conducted pilot tests of production of the final components out of the examined group pf alloys confirm possibilities of their application in components of fittings. The newly-developed alloys show high capability to fill the mould which may result in production of the casts of complex shape without any surface defects. |
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Presentation: Polish Research Projects at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Barbara A. Juszczyk Submitted: 2013-07-19 13:30 Revised: 2013-07-19 14:37 |