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Method of Stability Evaluation for Nanodiamond Suspension |
Victoria V. Tymoshenko |
V. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of Ukraine, 2, Autozavodska str., Kiev 04074, Ukraine |
Abstract |
Nanodiamond powders found broad application in the form of suspensions in medicine and biology. It is known, that because of the nanodiamond powders essential aggregation it is impossible to create stable suspensions. Therefore the stability evaluation of suspensions is an actual task. In V.Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of Ukraine the method and technique of stability evaluation for suspensions of nanodiamonds is developed on the basis of comparasing their optical density with concentration of the suspensions. Determination of suspensions optical density was fulfilled by means of a photometric measuring. The photometric method is based on selective absorption of electromagnetic radiations buy the sectors of the suspensions with various density. The concentration of nanodiamond particles in a suspension was calculated depending on the density of nanodiamond particles, that was determined on the portable density meter of DMA 35 N as function of time. It is shown that optical density of 1% of water suspension during 2 hours diminished from 3,835Б to 1,534Б. So the concentration of nanodiamond particles changed from 0,37 to 0,15% By means of photometric method kinetics of sedimentation has been studied for 1,0 % of the water suspension of nanodiamond powders (Specification АСУД 99) depending on time and temperature. It is shown that with the time increasing there are reduction of optical density and decreasing of the above mentioned nanodiamond particles concentration in the water suspension. When heating the suspension an optical density (absorbancy) goes down and speed of aggregating of nanodiamond particles increases, reducing stability of nanodiamond powder suspension. |
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Presentation: Oral at Nano and Advanced Materials Workshop and Fair, by Victoria V. Tymoshenko Submitted: 2013-06-07 10:44 Revised: 2013-06-07 10:47 |