SYNTHESIS OF SiC NANOPARTICLES AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES N. Herlin-Boime1, J. Vicens2, J. Bouclé1+3, F.Ténégal1, A. Kassiba3 1) Service des Photons, Atomes et Molécules, Laboratoire Francis Perrin (CEA-CNRS URA2453), DSM - CEA-Saclay, Bt 522, 91191 F Gif/Yvette Cedex, 2) LERMAT, FRE CNRS 2149, ISMRA 6, boulevard Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex, France,3) Laboratoire de Physique de l'Etat Condensé - UMR-CNRS N6087, Faculté des Sciences - Université du Maine Avenue O.Messiaen 72085 Le Mans Cedex 09 -France SiC nanopowders were obtained in a flow reactor by the CO[2] laser pyrolysis method from a gaseous mixture. Molecules are dissociated after absorption of the laser radiation and collisional energy transfer. Nucleation of nanoparticles occurs in a flame. The flame temperature is fixed by the laser power. In this presentation, the effect of laser power between 200 and 750 W (850-1100C) is discussed. TEM observations have revealed that whatever the temperature, the powders are composed of grains of about 10 nm diameter, these grains are amorphous at low temperature and contain an increasing number of nanocrystals (2 nm diameter) when the temperature increases. The desagglomeration and dispersion of the SiC nanoparticles was studied in different liquids in order to optimise their repartition when embedded in a polymer matrix. The optical properties of these composite materials (nanoparticles/matrix) were studied. An enhancement of the linear electrooptical effect was measured. This effect is mainly attributed to interface effects between the polymer matrix and the surface of the particles.