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Growth of giant CdWO4 crystals and properties of (010) cleaved surface |
Vladimir N. Shlegel 1, Victor Atuchin 2, Evgeniy N. Galashov 1, Lev Pokrovsky 2, Aleksandr S. Kozhukhov 2 |
1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation |
Abstract |
Cadmium tungstate, CdWO4, related to family of wolframite-type crystals A2+WO4 is one from the best scintillating mediums. Potentials of this material for laser techniques, acoustics and photocatalytic technologies are under considerations. The parameters of monoclinic cell of CdWO4 : a = 5.0400(8) Å, b = 5.8701(6) Å, c = 5.0841(7) Å, b = 91.476(19)° , V = 150.36(1) Å3, Z = 2, space group P2/c. A chain-type structure is formed by parallel zigzag chains of distorted CdO6 and WO6 octahedrons, spreading along the c axis. The CdWO4 crystals are characterized by good cleavage properties of (010) planes. Micromorphology, structural and electronic properties of CdWO4 (010) cleaved surfaces are evaluated in present study. 1. A.S. Barabash, P. Belli, R. Bernabei, R.S. Boiko, F. Cappella, V. Caracciolo, D.M. Chernyak, R. Cerulli, F.A. Danevich, M.L, Di Vacri, A.E. Dossovitskiy, E.N. Galashov, A. Incicchitti, V.V. Kobychev, S.I. Konovalov, G.P. Kovtun, V.M. Kudovbenko, M. Laubenstein, A.L. Mikhlin, S. Nisi, D.V. Poda, R.B. Podviyanuk, O.G. Polischuk, A.P. Shcherban, V.N. Shlegel, D.A. Solopikhin, Yu.G. Stenin, V.I. Tretyak, V.I. Umatov, Ya.V. Vasiliev and V.D. Virich, Low background detector with enriched 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators to search for double β decay of 116Cd, J. Instrumentation 6 (2011) P08011. |
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Presentation: Oral at 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy - ICCGE-17, General Session 2, by Vladimir N. Shlegel Submitted: 2013-04-08 10:51 Revised: 2013-04-15 05:56 |