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Growth and Properties of Mid-infrared Chalcogenide Crystals |
Shanpeng Wang , Xixia Zhang , Xiang Zhang , Huapeng Ruan , Chunlong Li , Zeliang Gao , Chunming Dong , Xutang Tao |
State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China |
Abstract |
Over the past few decades, widely tunable coherent mid-infrared laser sources in the range of 3-20 μm, specially in band 3-5 μm and 8-14 μm of three atmospheric transparent windows, have become research focus of infrared (IR) laser technology[1]. Frequency conversion by an infrared nonlinear optical (NLO) crystal is an effective way of producing coherent mid-infrared light. Lithium containing chalcogenide (such as LiInS2, LiInSe2 LiGa3Te5) are promising candidates for mid-IR optical frequency conversion. LiInS2 has wide transparency range (0.35~12.5μm), high nonlinear coefficient and is phase matchable over a large wavelength range. Compared to other infrared nonlinear crystals, such as silver thiogallate (AgGaS2) [2] and zinc germanium phosphide (ZnGeP2) [3], LiInS2 displays a nearly isotropic thermal expansion behavior and a 5-times-larger thermal conductivity. Owing to its wider band gap and lower absorptions in the range of near infrared, LiInS2 crystals can be pumped by Nd: YAG laser. LISe is one of these few nonoxide nonlinear crystals whose band-gap (2.86 eV) and transparency allow operation in the nanosecond optical parametric above 4 μm without TPA for a pump wavelength of 1064 nm. LiGa3Te5 crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetrical system, space group R32. The transmission of LGT crystal is above a level 40% from 3.5 to 18 μm, and the cut-off edges at short and long wavelength are at 0.9 and 25 μm, respectively. In this paper, we report the growth and properties of large-sized Lithium containing chalcogenide crystals. The crystals were grown by the modified Bridgman method. The characterizations such as XRD, high resolution X-ray diffractometor, the thermal properties, damage threshold and refractive index of the grown crystals are also discussed. [1] Fossier, S.; Salaun, S.; Mangin, J.; Bidault, O.; Thenot, I.; Zondy,J. J.; Chen, W. D.; Rotermund, F.; Petrov, V.; Petrov, P.; Henningsen,J.; Yelisseyev, A.; Isaenko, L.; Lobanov, S.; Balachninaite, O.; Slekys, G.; Sirutkaitis, V. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2004, 21, 1981. [2] G.A.Verozubova, A.I.Gribenyukov, V.V. Korotkova, O. Semchinova, D. Uffmann, J. Crystal Growth, 2000, 213, 334. [3] D.Lee, T.Kaing, J.-J. Zondy, Appl. Phys. B, 1998, 67, 1259.
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