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Impurity profiling using 2D-HPLC-IT-TOF

Marcin Gawryś 

SHIM-POL (SHIM-POL), Lubomirskiego 5, Warszawa 05-080, Poland


The specification test of APIs at quality control has usually employed non-volatile buffer. The requirements of impurity identification in quality management has been recently increasing due to the regulatory issues and the globalization of supply chain. Needs are rising to shorten the turn around time. The mobile phase conversion from non-volatile to volatile buffer is labor intensive task and involves multiple risks. The Shimadzu prepared special 2D-dimentional system which lets the scientists to work with nonvolatile buffers in combination with MS system. This solution lets to avoid the mistake in identification and do not require the need of the new analytical method development.

Combination with IT-TOF with is a powerful tool for impurities identification gives some extra advantages.


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Presentation: Oral at VIII Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku, by Marcin Gawryś
See On-line Journal of VIII Multidyscyplinarna Konferencja Nauki o Leku

Submitted: 2012-04-06 14:42
Revised:   2012-04-06 14:42